Senin, 01 November 2010

Mutual action among students pursuing

Action chase each other among the students, or students pursuing police brawl no longer a strange sight in Sukabumi. That's because almost every day there are school children who clashed with fellow students. Juvenile delinquency is not allowed by related officials, various ways have been done but still not effectively addressing the problem brawl. Given the impact brawl in Sukabumi is getting fierce, all parties now racked his brain to unravel the tangled threads of student fights. Halide JUMAIDIL Sukabumi END Last week, Sukabumi public tantrum with sadistic murder of a citizen Cisaat Sukabumi district who performed dozens of students suspected of a CMS. Incident, seems to open the eyes of the observer re-education and related party that fights student in Sukabumi not yet subsided.

Even can be called the more violent and barbaric. Look at how the condition of the victims who died after exposure sabetan celurit and other sharp weapons from a group of students. Sadistic and not worthy of bearing the title of student actors. As soon as a statement about a Member of Parliament Sukabumi see unexpected events carried school children. But this is a fact. That the impact brawl was already too far and almost uncontrollable. Students in Sukabumi go to school is no longer the goal to study but to find the enemy and fight. It is not a book and a pen that was taken, but badik, samurai, cerulit or gear that tied his school uniform tie is prepared. There are stored in bags, in the cafeteria near the school and so forth. This phenomenon has made a number of parties such as Police, Member of the Board, the Education Department held a meeting immediately. But, as usual meetings to discuss the brawl has not been able to produce a solution or a step telling overcome brawl, at least reduce the brawl. Even at the time of the brawl stekholder was thinking about the problem, it happened again a student brawl outside. This time the victim survived, but also his body covered with wounds jab. If there is a slightly more advanced steps resulting from that meeting is that all parties agree that the phenomenon is no longer a student at Sukabumi juvenile delinquency but was criminal. So the next brawl players are no longer arrested and given advice and then returned to the parents, but agreed that the direct perpetrators of brawl will be subject to Criminal Law. For example, alleged violation of Article 351 KUHPidana. This means players will get ready to brawl curled up behind bars for a long time. "The perpetrator brawl will be processed in accordance with applicable laws, rather than juvenile delinquency but indeed a criminal act," said Kapolresta Sukabumi, AKBP Anwar. This is the step after the brawl. But when it comes to anticipating brawl, this is no solution. Sukabumi Assembly Members returned to design a meeting with Education Department Sukabumi, Sukabumi Police parties and other concerned parties. The meeting will be held this week expected to give birth accurate solution to overcome brawl in Sukabumi. "Hopefully there is an appropriate solution, at least reduce the frequency and impact brawl," said Vice Chairman of DPRD Sukabumi, Ahmad Fahmi.

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