Senin, 01 November 2010

Youth Crime in Manado

Of COURSE it was shocking when we get the fact that dozens of teenagers in the city of Manado is not just naughty, but have formed criminal syndicates, and perform various acts of theft in the house residents.

Crime dozens of teenage boys was revealed after an in between the group undergoing a "work accident" while performing the action in homes, Housing Malalayang Beautiful, Environment I, Malalayang, the city of Manado. (Manado Tribune, 05.10.2009).
Ring finger adolescents who were aged 18 years was caught in an iron fence for wearing a ring. Panic because of the action and his colleagues discovered the homeowner, the teenager was forced to withdraw his hand until his fingers cut off and left behind at crime scenes. Crimes by teenagers is very dangerous if we fail to prevent it from now on. This time they just steal and run away when caught. But next time, they may even be sadistic act desperate to kill the victim if the feeling of urgency. And anyone can become victims of crime groups malignancy.

In our observation, when the sun was setting late into the night, many teens and youth in the city of Manado "roaming" in various corners of the city. Not least among them to spread the smell of alcohol from the mouth and body. Not to mention those who are intoxicated by narcotics and illegal drugs. Maybe this is one of the triggers of juvenile fall in crime.

Police arrested the teenager with a colleague when he was undergoing treatment at the Hospital Prof. Kandouw. The police also managed to apprehend the perpetrators of some colleagues who are members of one group. (Manado Tribune, 10.06.2009).

We lift the thumb to the police officer who managed to uncover this case only a few hours after the incident, and able to dismantle criminal syndicates involving dozens of teenagers. However, we suspect there are other actors as well as the brain behind the crime. Because, based on police investigation, it turns out the group had made several acts of theft.
Crime by teen groups is a very serious problem. Illustrates that there is a group of future generations in this city are not merely naughty, but they have been transformed into the perpetrators of serious crimes! Not to blame any party, but we saw a process of omission by the parents of the perpetrators of these crimes. What kind of development model

which has been given to their children? Are the children were just born and then left to grow wild to follow their social environment everyday?

In addition to their parents, these issues become the responsibility of us all. Government, teachers, professors, pastors, priests, police, media, and so forth. Let's get together, work together to resolve this issue. Moreover, the crime is committed by teenagers, the children of our own.

Do not let Manado is very famous as a city that is blessed, changed its way into the city in chaos, filled with violence and organized crime. Moreover, the city is currently campaigning for himself as a city of world tourism in 2010. Where tourists are willing to travel to areas of high crime rates?

by : destra_hacker

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